So I was thinking about my list last night...I WAS long...Like I said, I have been working on this for over a year...(I think it has to do with me turning 40, and the terrible, horrible, midlife crisis I have been going through) BUT...I am trying to turn this into a positive. Learning all I can...taking better care of myself and my family...and having a little bit of fun along the way...nothing wrong with that..
Somewhere in my list, I listed growing a garden....a veggie garden to be exact. I love fresh vegetables, and the feeling of knowing where it came from and how it was is amazing. I can remember visiting my Grandparents in Kentucky(and Arkansas) during the summer from California. They had a huge garden! I loved gathering tomatoes, and cucumbers, when my Grandma would ask. It was just a novelty back then, though...I didnt fully appreciate all that goes into growing a garden. I wish I had paid more attention to more of the details...I DO remember my great-Grandma sending my brother and I out with a wheelbarrow to "get the rocks out of her garden" I have a feeling it was mostly to keep us busy, cause we were acting up...nonetheless, I remember it. I remember that and the bonnets my great grandma wore out in the sun...funny what you remember...
Anyhow...I decided that I was going to try to grow vegetables this year...oh yeah! it turned into a huge production...Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't (didnt) have the right space to grow a garden...too much shade...I tried containers...and nothing...such a let down...This year, we cut down 22 there ya go...we have light...hauled in some dirt...did a little research on raised gardens...built some raised gardens...pretty good..planted my plants and far so good...I keep telling myself, it is a LATE..raised garden is producing...I have gotten some cucumbers...there are a bunch of tomatoes..I have gotten a handful of peppers...I HAVE A LOT TO LEARN... The pic at the top is right when I planted it...and of course, my scarecrow...
I am trying so hard to grow this organically, without any chemicals...I have found a few things that work...It sure is funny, I havent seen ANY bunnies or crows here, in my subdivision,until I started this garden...Its crazy...I have learned that I need A LOT MORE dirt...AND I need to start earlier, FOR SURE...other than that, I am doing okay...I am writing it all down, cause NEXT year I am going to have SUPER will have its own cape and everything...
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