Monday, July 11, 2011

There is a Revolution @ Ellwood Thompsons!

so....I took a bunch of my handmade stuffs to Ellwood Thompsons the other day and sold it to them wholesale...(so, offically I am a vendor )(yay!, right?) They have put my stuff out, did all my advertising for me and really helped me get a few people looking at my stuff...

Just so you know...and you prolly do, I make stuff...I MEAN LOADS of different stuff...I am an artist with A.D.D...ON STERIODS...(not really, but I think its a good metaphor) The cool thing about my stuff is that I make everything from something that has already been used and thrown to the wayside...I rescue it...persay and give it new life...I make all kinds of stuff and I try to learn new things all the time, as you have prolly already gathered, if you have been reading my blog...I will post things on here from time to time and perhaps even how-tos to go with it...but if you dont want to make one or you just like the one I made...I have an ETSY shop... I have been working on it pretty dilegently for about a week now and it's starting to take shape...although it doesnt have the variety of things in it that I really will eventually....

heres a picture of the stuff I sold to Ellwoods...
notice the board next to it...its all about me! (and my artwork, of course...sooooo exciting, I must say...)

Those of you who don't know Ellwood Thompsons, they are located in Carytown. They are a local market, meaning they get everything they possibly can get from within a 100 mile radius. All of their produce is locally grown and the variety is out of this world! They are an amazing grocery store and they have so much going for them...if you are in the area, you should check them out, i have them on my blog roll, lots of good stuff going on there too...
until next time, take care! xo!

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